Thursday, November 15, 2012

Is political advertising effective?

If you are really into politics you would understand most of the commercials are showed in TV but I believe effective adverting is to be able to show you and explain you even if you don’t know what Is the main idea of the advertising. Government should be able to create a better advertising since they spend $6 billion on 2012 election campaign.  The reason Obama has such of success with all the generation is the fact on how he advertises himself. He used YouTube and Facebook. One of the secrets to Barack Obama’s campaign has been the recognition of the talents of his supporters.

A classic example is street artist and DJ Shepard Fairy, who unashamedly set out to inspire his generation to vote for Obama. The founder of the Obey Giant brand explains that the success of his campaign began with news sites and blogs spreading the word about his Hope and Progress posters. Two weeks after he created the posters he had a call from the Obama campaign office asking him to create a new image, featuring Barack Obama with the word “Change”, to be sold on the Obama campaign site.
Times are changing are to create an effectives adverting you must know your audience and Obama did.

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